Ac Motor Winding Software Free

Ac Motor Winding Software Free

Emetor works best with JavaScript enabled. Please enable JavaScript in your browser preferences, then. Electric motor winding calculator The winding calculator allows you to find the optimum winding layout for your electric motor in a fast and convenient way. You can investigate three-phase integer-slot, fractional-slot and concentrated windings, both with single and double winding layers where appropriate. You can compare the maximum fundamental for different combinations of number of poles and number of slots, display the for different, or evaluate the harmonic spectrum of the winding factor. Emetor specifically disclaims any warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, accuracy, or fitness for any particular purpose.

Formerly AC Diagrams 1.5, Electric Motor Windings And Repair 2.1 is a computer software designed to. Nozhi

In no event shall Emetor be liable to any party for any damages arising out of the use of information from this winding calculator. Determine number of slots and number of poles To get started, choose the approximate range of number of poles and number of slots that you are interested in. After updating the table, the drop-down list below lets you select whether to display the, the maximum possible fundamental, the, or the in the table.

Ac Motor Winding Software FreeAc Motor Winding Software Free

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 Investigate and edit specific winding layouts Click on a cell in the above table in order to investigate which winding layouts are possible for that specific number of poles and number of slots. Click on a table row below in order to display and edit the winding layout.

It is now also possible to download selected winding details. # Poles Slots Pole pitch Periodicities Display and compare winding harmonics Three different types of charts are available, which can be selected below. You can hide the winding harmonics of a specific winding layout by clicking on the corresponding label which is located on the right of the chart. Use the mouse wheel to zoom into the chart.

Ac Motor Winding Software Free
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